
There are many Micromouse competitions are hosting each year all over the world.

These are the top 3 international Micromouse contests:

  • Taiwan Micromouse Intelligent Robot Contest:  takes place in September official website
  • APEC Micromouse Contest(Which is the highest level in America):takes place from February to April. official website


Here are some nation wide competition outside of USA:

  • Singapore Robotic Games: takes place around January. official website
  • Portuguese Micromouse Contest: official website Now starts to invite international entries.
  • UK Micromouse Contest


For student in United States of America, there are IEEE regional competitions host at each IEEE regions. East cost students are mostly belong to region 1-3, and region 6 is mostly for students at west coast at west United States.

Regional Web sites (from

006699 color chipRegion 1(Northeastern U.S.)R1 geo units 006699 color chipRegion 6(Western U.S.)R6 geo units
006699 color chipRegion 2(Eastern U.S.)R2 geo units FFCC33 color chipRegion 7(Canada)R7 geo units
006699 color chipRegion 3(Southern U.S.)R3 geo units E37222 color chipRegion 8(Africa, Europe, Middle East)R8 geo units
006699 color chipRegion 4(Central U.S.)R4 geo units 008542 color chipRegion 9(Latin America)R9 geo units
006699 color chipRegion 5(Southwestern U.S.)R5 geo units 6B1F73 color chipRegion 10(Asia and Pacific)R10 geo units

IEEE-USA (Regions 1-6)

IEEE Region Map

There are several areas in each region are hosting regional micromouse competition each year, they are:
Region 1, Region 2, Region 6 (Southern Area, Central Area).

Although San Diego, CA belongs to the Region 6 Southwest area, they are always welcomed to compete at Southern Area Micromouse Regional Competition.

If you want to compete with more schools from other regions, here are your options:

All America Micromouse Competition(AAMC)

Taken place in early May every year, hosted at University of California, Los angeles. Registration is open to all college students(both graduate and undergraduate) all over the United States.  Official site: Link     Rule: Link

California Micromouse Competition(CAMM)

Taken place in May every year, hosted by University of California, San Diego. Registration is open for all undergraduate students at California, and schools from out side of California are also welcomed.   Official site:Link     Rule: Link