General Discussion / Re: Straights without walls
« Last post by Green on March 26, 2013, 03:53:38 PM »hi
for question 1: post error usually smaller than wall error even though they are at same distance. No way to distinguish them if you don't want to make your PID be complicated. The point is your mouse should be able go straight without sensor at first place(by using encoder and gyro), then add sensor error to your total error. Most of the time my mouse just ignore the post since the reflection area is smaller than a whole wall, it actually makes your mouse perform better at fishbone, but you need to make mouse go straight with sensor first.
question 2: i made offset fairly small, that's actually some threshold I use to determine if there is wall or no wall for floodfill.I use 2 Boolean to switch the status(one for left wall the other for right wall), my diagonal offset is likely 200 out of 4096 ish, since my sensor reads pretty far. You need to test out based on your own mouse
for question 1: post error usually smaller than wall error even though they are at same distance. No way to distinguish them if you don't want to make your PID be complicated. The point is your mouse should be able go straight without sensor at first place(by using encoder and gyro), then add sensor error to your total error. Most of the time my mouse just ignore the post since the reflection area is smaller than a whole wall, it actually makes your mouse perform better at fishbone, but you need to make mouse go straight with sensor first.
question 2: i made offset fairly small, that's actually some threshold I use to determine if there is wall or no wall for floodfill.I use 2 Boolean to switch the status(one for left wall the other for right wall), my diagonal offset is likely 200 out of 4096 ish, since my sensor reads pretty far. You need to test out based on your own mouse